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Where can I buy Quokka Sunglasses?You can buy directly through our website or through selected brick and mortar retailers (currently in Australia only). We don't sell our products through Amazon and eBay - our policy is to work with companies that provide the largest environmental benefit throughout the supply chain, and the carbon footprint and business models of these organisations are not compatible with our business. If you have seen these products online on these sites, they are unlikely to be a genuine QV product - contact us if you're unsure.
How much of the product is recycled?We don't use virgin materials in our products unless we haven't identified any other option. Currently, our sunglass frames are made from recovered plastic and we don't use any new plastic, our cleaning cloths are made from recycled plastic, and our packaging materials are made from compostable materials and recycled paper. You can find more details on the sustainability page.
What are the end-of-life options for your products?We are committed to a closed-loop model for product disposal. You can find details of responsible disposal and end-of-life options for Quokka Sunglasses on the sustainability page, including information about our Boomerang program for half-price sunglasses when you return for disposal.
What if my sunglasses don't fit?Return them in their original packaging for exchange or refund - see our returns policy for more detail.
How does the carbon offsetting work? Is everything offset?Yes! All of our company emissions and the emissions in producing our products, including the raw materials is entirely carbon neutral. You can find a link to our carbon offset program through our offset provider ClimatePartner on the sustainability page.
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